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1.32 will be released on Beta soon

Hi there,

sorry for our long absence, but we have changed some internal processes. For everyone who cares about we changed our development process to scrum. Our 1st sprint is done and we are in the middle of our 2nd sprint and of course we have already some results we want to introduce.

1st we finished the screendesign and technical part of the new achievement system

2nd we are still busy with redesign old screens and fit them to the new layout

And last but not least the avatargenerator is nearly done

Our plan is to update the public beta this week there will be a lot more features, bug fixes and content. Looking forward to your comments πŸ™‚


  1. aliebaba
    aliebaba August 21, 2011

    yeah, indeed, all the servers are updated, so on that you couldn’t work :).

  2. William Manney
    William Manney August 21, 2011

    We are bored …

    Can not you show us something new please?

  3. the black penny
    the black penny August 25, 2011

    bar brawl any one?
    newspaper ?

  4. classius
    classius August 25, 2011


  5. aliebaba
    aliebaba August 29, 2011

    :P, pff, this is boring, my vacation is almost over, and still no news –‘

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