If you are curious what’s gonna happen to the Hall of Fame when level caps are increased, here’s the idea:
So what happens is, that we have different records for the hall of fame: We store the characters who reached certain levels (currently it’s set to 60, 80, 100, 120, but that might still change) and display it in the hall of fame who reached that level at what point. So the 99 level characters records will remain.
(just a small note: The screenshot was made on the internal beta and the characters there were leveled through cheating – that’s why there’s no entry for 80 and 100)
Wow! It’s cool)
Awesome! 🙂
I like it but for the hall of fame of lvl 60 do you still know who reached it first?
I think, that was just an example. They will keep lvl 99 and lvl 120. Maybe that dropdown will appear only when somebody gets to lvl 120, so HoF will stay the same until then.