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Upcoming changes for fortbattles

Just a sidenode after going through it with the ashock (Game designer): There’ll be a change rolled out soon for fortbattles: It won’t be possible any more to find more than one chest per fight. Instead, more players will get a chest. Should go online everywhere sometime this week.


  1. vitamin2002
    vitamin2002 January 24, 2011

    is chests have bug ?
    for example for now i find around 20 chest from small chest or medium chest or big chest
    but for now , small have good items inside around 8 k and more !
    and medium have around 4 k or less !
    and big one are worst ! around 100 $ lol
    or am i more unlucky ?!
    i think big better than medium better than small ?!

  2. Just me
    Just me January 24, 2011

    That’s a great idea! Thumbs Up!

  3. kyrtnysz
    kyrtnysz January 24, 2011

    Hello Zet,

    I am impressed with the way and speed that The West is developing. Congratulations to you and all the team. You are doing a great job. This brings me even a thought of paying for the first time for a free browser game – not to get premiums, but to reward your work.

    Many of the ideas lately revealed by you require (as I believe) hours of work on the game engine and graphics.

    I would like to point, however, that players play the game for different purposes:
    – some like duelling -they always have something to do
    – some focus on fort-fighting: their number is growing and they have their fun
    – builders and dedicated town founders – they have been put aside lately and mostly have reskilled – but the changes are going to satisfy them soon as I believe
    – some people though are above all interested in adventure and doing quests. I believe that their number is strong and they have been not delivered new tasks for the last month. I believe that creating some new quests with the use of dozens of new products and jobs brought into the game by the last major update, would be not that much time consuming and could keep players to play longer and spend more time playing. Now you can guess which group of players I recruit from ;)…

    The change in chests distribution goes with the spirit of fort fighting, where teamwork should be more rewarded – and now mostly extra-specialized fort-fighters with 5000+ hp get the chests and now it will be more for the masses – the masses that make the game going.

    regards and I keep my fingers crossed for the changes,


  4. Jadefux
    Jadefux January 25, 2011

    I’m sorry, but all these updates are bullshit!…we don’t need this yet! we NEED an upgraded duelsystem! not this blabla things. please go to the elementary problems.

  5. JoxerTM
    JoxerTM January 25, 2011

    Zet, according to many fights I’ve been into, to get a chest, or more of those, you need many successful hits and dodges. And luck. πŸ˜‰
    I’m not asking you to reveal the formula, it’s better to keep it hidden to prevent a possible abuse. However…

    Because of the silly bonus, alliances expect from adventurers to go pure HP and stay on the flag the whole time and protect it. These adventurers can’t get a chest – no hits and dodges. I’m aware that you’ll say – well, don’t stand on the flag the whole time, but honestly, there is no other use of adventurers’ bonus. Please fix it somehow. Thanks.

  6. darkyndy
    darkyndy January 25, 2011


    Hope with the new change you also will get the formula right.
    I’m talking about W2 .net (Noobmic is my nick there if you want to check). Because until now I made it to over 10 fort battles (all that ware in the world, online at all) and only one chest. There are players that warn’t online or even to all battles or did less damage and still had more then one chest.

    Also as vitamin202 pointed out, the values of drop are a little weird (at that chest that I received [middle one]) I received an item with sell price almost $1200 and other players that I know in other worlds received items that have sell price $10000 from small chests…

  7. Joao611
    Joao611 January 25, 2011

    Finally they’ll implement that! yay πŸ˜€

  8. the black penny
    the black penny January 26, 2011

    a bayonet, grenades, damage, and cannons !

  9. Joao611
    Joao611 January 26, 2011

    a damage? What?

    But cannons and bayonets would be very cool! πŸ˜€

    Bayonets would be something only for level 100 (perhaps) lol

  10. classius
    classius January 27, 2011

    Bayonets could be for almost(excepting bow and crossbow) every fort weapon(having a bigger damage than the weapon it is attached to) and it could only be used when you want to get in a sector with enemies on it.

  11. Just me
    Just me January 27, 2011

    Is the change for fortbattles rolled out today?

  12. the black penny
    the black penny January 27, 2011

    an estimated 85 % dont know how to fort battle.
    not my problem
    i only wish my team had move use, or items, or possibility
    instead of the chess board appeal.

  13. Marian
    Marian January 27, 2011

    Hi zet!
    The update for forbattles rolled up on ro worlds today. I just noticed a bug. I am in a fort battle right now. When round 11 ended we all got disconected and we have to wait 242 seconds for the nex round. This happend to all players in the fort battle.

  14. Just me
    Just me January 27, 2011

    Yeah! Bayonets would be very cool! You could implement a tech tree for weapons too. But i think it’s really time for a new level of fortbattles. E. g. destroying, fortbuildings, new skills (swimming, setting traps…) And perhaps there could be 3D view .:)

  15. John Sibley
    John Sibley January 31, 2011

    Forget about any bayonets,
    They aren’t gonna happen.end of story

  16. classius
    classius February 1, 2011

    Why aren’t they gonna happen?
    Do you know what’s on the developers mind?
    And if you know what’s on their mind, how do you know that that’s not gonna change?

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