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1.30 update on German Worlds

The 1.30 update is on German worlds. It’s been quite some work to get it there. First we had an inefficient SQL-query that blocked the update process on the first world we updated – it took about 6 hours until the server was back online. We cancelled the script in between and had a database that was in a pretty wacky state. We still managed to drag it over to 1.30 so it’s running fine now. The only problems we currently have are the two biggest worlds. The chat is not working properly when the server is on heavy load and that is pretty annoying. Β I worked quite a lot this weekend to find solutions, but it’s anything but simple. The problem is too technical to be explained easily, but altogether, it’s a architectural misconception footing on my first concepts when laying out the software. We try to figure out ways to counter this, but in general, it’s pretty complicated to get out of that now. For smaller worlds (<2k online users) it’s not really a problem, but above the 2k limit, the air gets thin. So I am working now on that – that’s why beta chat is wonky today.


  1. aliebaba
    aliebaba December 20, 2010

    i wish you verry much luck ;).

  2. JoxerTM
    JoxerTM December 20, 2010

    zet, just disable the chat and voila. how about permanent removal of the county chat? it’s usually abused and not very important part of the game… if that would help, remove that county chat for good, i don’t think anyone would object. πŸ˜‰

    anyway, for the time being, ppl can rely on forums and 3rd party chat if needed.

  3. Astro5
    Astro5 December 20, 2010

    Agree with Joxer about the county chat. In all the world I play i see no one use it.
    Hope to see the update in the other worlds soon.
    Good luck with the problems.

  4. zet
    zet December 20, 2010

    @JoxerTM you lack imagination about players. There’s always at least always one who’ll object. It already steers up much trouble on german board that the chat is disabled – since chat and fortbattles are handled in the same application (unwise, but I didn’t know better), it affects each other.

  5. Saltin
    Saltin December 20, 2010

    Version 1.3 > chat.

    Yes chat is important to quiet a few players (it makes the game lively) but pants/belt/new jobs ect are the things that people are really exited about.

    I think most players will understand and be patient if told/warned ahead of time that this is something that is still being worked on,players aren’t as upset about things is they know what’s happening ahead of time.Maybe an announcement in the main forum would be good.

  6. JoxerTM
    JoxerTM December 20, 2010

    I’m aware someone will always object, but players in a roleplay game should not object like players in a farm-till-you-die games, but instead they should adapt. πŸ˜‰

    I seriously thought the fort chat, in fact the whole fort minigame, runs as a separate application. Although fort fighters usually use 3rd party chat “just to be sure”, battle orders are always given through the ingame chat, so in this case turning the chat off can cause some serious trouble.
    I hope you’ll fix the issue as soon as possible. Keep up the good work!

  7. Dave
    Dave December 20, 2010

    Joxer just gave me an idea.
    Binning the chat altogether isn’t such a bad idea.
    Replace it with an optional integrated 3rd party type system.
    I imagine all the server load or whatever is causing you the chat problems could be sorted this way.

  8. mennik
    mennik December 20, 2010

    isn’t the solution a better server that can handle more people?

  9. zet
    zet December 20, 2010

    @mennik , I am working on exactly that. Splitting these parts would still make sense. But the efforts are looking fine so far, though still not yet fully stable, it’s doing a quite good job now.

  10. nope
    nope December 21, 2010

    if your problem is that js keeps open conections to server try this:, with fallback to old method πŸ™‚

  11. mennik
    mennik December 21, 2010

    nope :
    if your problem is that js keeps open conections to server try this:, with fallback to old method

    the problem is that the server can’t handle all the activity or that is what zet says “The only problems we currently have are the two biggest worlds.”

    and the big worlds got more people πŸ™‚ or that is what I make of it

  12. nope
    nope December 22, 2010

    @mennik too many active people == too many open connections πŸ˜›

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