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1.30 progress

Ok, we updated Alamogordo (Beta 1) and it should have updated all the town traders with the new belts and pants according to our constraints (hopefully done right, better pray :P). We are about to set up all the new works on the map and straighten out some bugs and errors. Shouldn’t take too long until we are ready for getting it out on productive worlds.


  1. kernel
    kernel December 7, 2010

    awesome job,just awesome!!!

    thx dev-team

  2. teteusmm
    teteusmm December 7, 2010

    zet you never see your messages in alamogordo?

  3. Laron
    Laron December 7, 2010

    are the new things (new jobs, pants, belts) final or are you going to change some values for a better balancing?

  4. kernel
    kernel December 7, 2010

    teteusmm :
    zet you never see your messages in alamogordo?

    Did you read his profile?

  5. zet
    zet December 8, 2010

    Mostly, we only want to check in the final images…

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