Since the introduction of fort battles, the players have developed a strategy to weaken the enemy by letting low level players join the opposite side. While this is a quite valid strategy, it is still nerving and not wanted. As a result we made a decision at the end of the development of 1.21 to pull a feature that we wanted to have in 1.22 into 1.21: The mustering page.
Since this feature got in so late it is not so well tested and the user interface is initially not so obvious. So let’s explain it here shortly:
When you are a member of a directly involved town (means the attacking town or one of the fort members) and you are a councilor or a founder of one of these towns, then you are allowed to muster the troops that are joining the battle. You will see the recruiting button once you are taking part in the battle (so you have to join). Then the screen shown above is opened and you can see everyone who has joined the battle already.
By clicking now in the status columns in the cells, you can give players a star or a red cross. The star means that this player has precedence to enter the battle. If the player has a red cross it means that the player will only allowed to join the battle if there is still space left in the battle. You can also remove a precedence by toggling the cell again.
Once you have changed the status, you will notice that it turns orange. This means that you have modified your list, but it is not yet sent out. To do that, you click on “muster” or, if you think you do not wish to change anything, on “cancel” so that nothing is changed at all.
You will also see who has changed the player’s precedence rating, so you might spot people who shouldn’t modify the status of a player (i.e. spies). It is of course possible that a member town has a spy that modifies the list to the attacker / defender’s favor right before the battle starts, but well, you should take care who you promote in your town or who you invite…
A minor addon to this feature did not made it into 1.21 yet – since such a spy could do such a change in the last moment before the battle starts, it would be quite hard to make out who changed the rating of the players. In order to keep this information, it’ll be sent to all players that are taking part in a battle. But this feature is not yet in 1.21.
Thanks For update
And Do you know any Release Date For 1.21 Version For .Net ?
This is awesome feature. I will love it.
If the German world 1 is making no problems, we are quickly updating the other German worlds. After that .net will follow. But because we can’t know the problems that can occur on de1, it is hard to predict any date for the international rollout. But I think it is less than 2 weeks until we make the global rollout.
Thanks For Answer Zet
Very nice and fast fix to a problem.
Thanks, I hope spies reveal themselves )
Also about battles:
I’ve seen many battles take apart or simply watching.
Most intrigue battles are when number of attackers
slightly more then number of defenders.
So why not change the limit of attackers
to about 140-150 fighters leaving defenders up to 128.
Or, if 256 fortfighters is programming limit,
move 128×128 limit to somewhat 120×136?
super, nice feature π
but what i really recommend is a revision of the player movement. it happens quite often that the player stands on the wall or tower and you didn’t want that at all. also the handling with the arrows is quite annoying. for example doubleclicking at a point where the charakter shall move would be much easier π
Doubleclicking sounds like a nice idea. Could be added without changing the current way.
It is a really nice update.
I love it and I love the exp i get for fortbattles.
It is really pity that you must change the price for attacking a fort in the future.
All in all very nice. I am proud of you devs. π
Hi and thanks for a great game!
We have an argument in my town on how to interpret the bonus system in a fort battle and the help is not helping us in this case.
I say that you should se what skill point you have in each skill and see wht bonus you get in each skill. Then you ad the bonus for each skill (e.g. stamina+aim+leadership for shoting when attacking) to see what final bonus you recive. maximum bonus is then 27
My friend says that you first ad your skills together and then see what bonus you get. maximum bonus is then 9
The different between the two ways of count is crusial for how to dress in a battle. So what way is the right way?
@Slashas: Each skill is converted to the given table in the help (max 9). Then it is summed up and this is the bonus you gain. So yes, your best bonus is 27. Also you might want to know that the help does not reveal that the bonus is floating point which means that you can have an “uneven” bonus, for example 7.3. We’ll add a sectorbonus preview in 1.22 so it’ll be more transparent.
Thanks for you answer ZET, it helped me and my city a lot in our first battles!
Me and my friend have another argument :o). From the help: “In the first version towers always give a bonus of +6.” Do every level of towers gives a bonus of +6 regardless of level (even level 0)? And by the first version dou you mean V1.20?
@slashes: The bonus is always 6 on every tower, that’s right. Individual battle maps are planned but not yet implemented.